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Payakumbuh, ArchipelagoPost - Alek Buru Payakumbuh committee implements "goro" (working together-/*) in order to prepare everything would be properly in the field.

One of important thing is by installing plastic net in the location of community plants that are entering the harvest period. (12/19)

Porbbi Chairperson of Payakumbuh city Robby Setiadi Hardana said that he would not be detrimental to the community.

"For this reason, we and the committee will carry out "goro" together to put plastic fence in the location of community plants that are or will be ready for harvest.

This fence installation is usually done in the fields of chilli, eggplant, tomatoes and so forth.

This is to prevent later hunting dogs which usually number in the hundreds enter the community garden area which of course will damage the plant ", said Robby.

Si Ong (42 years old), a resident of the Payakumbuh - Sei Beringin border area. Wishing to appreciate the care of the committee Alek Buru Payakumbuh 2019 in reducing the risk of community losses due to this event.

"We are very grateful to the chairman of Porbbi and the committee who want to install plastic fence around the community gardens. Hopefully the Alek Buru Payakumbuh event should go smoothly," said Si Ong. (***)

Padang - Pengetahuan tentang penata ruang wilayah pembangunan masih sangat minim diketahui masyarakat, sehingga banyak dijumpai pelanggaran rencana aturan Tata Ruang yang ada. Seharusnya masyarakat mengetahui dan memahami tata ruang wilayah ketika mereka akan mendirikan bangunan. 

Hal ini disampaikan Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Barat H. Nasrul Abit pada saat membuka acara Peringatan Hari Tata Ruang dan Hari Bakti Pekerjaan Umum ke-74 tahun 2019 yang digelar di halaman Kantor Jalan Taman Siswa 1 Padang, Sabtu (30/11/2019) pagi.

Lebih lanjut Wagub Sumbar katakan, kegiatan sosialisasi seperti event saat ini sangat tepat dilakukan dalam memberikan informasi tata ruang pada masyarakat.

"Di Sumbar, kebutuhan percepatan tata ruang, pengadaan tanah dan penanganan sengketa pertanahan mengalami kemajuan yang cukup menggembirakan," ungkap Wagub Sumbar.

Pemerintah provinsi Sumbat terus mendorong untuk segera menyelesaikan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) dan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) guna memberikan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat dan para investor dalam berusaha.
"Kepemilikan tanah bukanlah sebuah hak eksklusif saja, tidak bisa saja memiliki tanah sembarangan, namun harus ketentuan dari tata ruang yang mengontrolnya, untuk itu sangatlah tepat kegiatan ini diadakan. Sekaligus sebagai sosialisasi kepada masyarakat," jelas Nasrul Abit.
Nasrul Abit juga menghimbau, agar Kabupaten Kota bisa menyelesaikan RTRW dan RDTR guna memberikan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat dan para investor dalam berusaha.

Sementara itu kepala Dinas Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Sumatera Barat, Ir. Fathol Bahri mengatakan, untuk meningkatkan pelayanan secara cepat dan transparan, Kementerian ATR/BPN menggagas program transformasi digital. Di mana layanan pertanahan dapat diakses oleh masyarakat secara elektronik.

“Layanan pertanahan saat ini sudah dapat diakses oleh masyarakat secara elektronik dari mana saja dan kapan saja sehingga menjadi efektif, efisien dan transparan,” kata Fathol.

Empat layanan elektronik tersebut adalah Hak Tanggungan, Layanan Informasi, Zona Nilai Tanah, Surat Keterangan Pendaftaran Tanah dan Informasi Bidang Tanah sudah mulai bisa diakses.

Peringatan Hari Agraria Nasional tahun 2019 bertema “ATR/BPN Menuju Penataan Ruang dan Pelayanan Pertanahan yang Berkepastian Hukum dan Modem”. Tema tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi pengingat dan penyemangat seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dalam peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pertanahan dan tata ruang secara modem serta menjamin kepastian hukum.

North Sumatra, ArchipelagoPost - The heat of the sun on the top of Hutaginjang hill did not also reduce the cool breeze which made all participants of the Indonesian Press Camp amazed to start activities in the protected forest area of ​​the Toba Caldera Geosite area on Thursday (11/14) last week.

The natural scenery at an altitude of 1650 feet behind the vastness of Lake Toba with a series of beautiful islands increasingly adds to the enthusiasm of journalists and editor in chief of various media exploring the recognition of the UNESCO Global Geopark of the Toba Caldera Geopark.

From the top of the Hutaginjang hill, all participants from the Indonesian Press Camp began surfing with their cameras recording the natural beauty of the highest geosite out of 16 geosites found in the Toba Caldera Geopark. The stretching of the Indonesian Press Camp began to spur the pulse of the Toba Caldera so that it could go global through media networks.

Continuing to Sibandang Tourism Island, participants and officials of the North Sumatra Province and North Tapanuli Regency apparatus were warmly welcomed by local residents.

The opening ceremony, which was attended by a series of officials from North Sumatra Province and North Tapanuli Regency, indicated that the Indonesian Press Camp was recognized and fully supported by the local government. Among them were Head of the North Sumatra Province Communication and Information Agency Muhammad Ayub representing the Governor of North Sumatra, North Tapanuli Regent who was represented by secretary of regency first assistant Parsaoran Hutagalung , General Manager of Toba Caldera Manager represented by the Head of North Sumatra Tourism Office Unggul Sitanggang, Head of North Tapanuli Tourism Office, North Tapanuli Police Chief represented by Police Commissioner Adjutant (AKP) Benyamin Pakpahan, Dandim 0210 Major FA Wasno, Muara District Chief, Josua Napitupulu, and a number of Village Heads.

The Government of North Tapanuli Regency has even officially stated that it is the main supporter of the implementation of this activity. The full support of the local government in carrying out the activities of the Indonesian Press Camp proves the legitimacy of the press organization and mass media outside the constituents of the Press Council in this area which is quite encouraging.

Propaganda of the Press Council which has been discrediting press organizations outside the constituency and accusing thousands of unverified media as undoubtedly undisputed media through the activities of the Indonesian Press Camp.

The Press Union of the Republic of Indonesia (SPRI) answered the Press Council's propaganda with performance-based activities. The Initiative of regional leadership council (DPD) SPRI of North Sumatra Province held this Indonesian Press Camp activity, and it was responded very positively by the local government. In fact, most of the participants who attended were journalists from the media that had not been verified by the Press Council.

The Press Council may be busy with its propaganda saying that the unverified fake media are prohibited from cooperating with the regional government. The Indonesian Press Camp activity proves that the majority of participants coming from unverified media have actually played an active role in helping local governments to promote and disseminate information about regional tourism potential, especially the Toba Caldera Geosite.

The Press Council propaganda does not apply to the activities of the Indonesian Press Camp. The Government of North Tapanuli Regency precisely cooperates with DPD SPRI and media partners of the Indonesian Press Camp to promote the potential of the Toba Caldera Geosite. Even when the opening took place, the North Sumatra Provincial Government through the Head of the Tourism Office said that it would officially involve the DPD SPRI and its media network to be actively involved in the implementation of the Lake Toba Festival this December.

No less extraordinary support came from North Tapanuli Regent Nikson Nababan who specifically assigned Muara District Chief Josua Napitupulu to assist the entire series of activities of the Indonesian Press Camp from morning to night for three consecutive days.

Some of the tourist sites that had been visited by participants of the Indonesian Press Camp one of which was the Batak Traditional House on Sibandang Island. A number of indigenous traditional houses hundreds of years old still stand firm in the middle of the houses of other residents.

Participants also briefly visited the Janji waterfall tourist site. At this location participants are prohibited from saying dirty words. And it is said that there was a pair of couples who had not been able to have a baby for a long time, then made a pledge of promise in front of this waterfall and after a few months later the wife reportedly managed to conceive and then had a baby.

Leaving the beauty of the Janji waterfall, the group of participants then took time to visit the "Ulos" woven crafts. According to the craftswomen here, each Ulos woven handmade can be completed in approximately 7 days. The price of this beautiful woven handmade ranges from 71 US $ to  142 US $

The beauty of nature at the Geosite Spinsur location also did not passed from the visit of participants of the Indonesian Press Camp. Led by the Devis Karmoy - Head of the Committee, the participants were treated to a sight that really spoiled the eyes. Set in the scenery of Lake Toba as if painted naturally by the scratches of the islands attached to the beautiful lake on the distance from a distance.

At the end of the Indonesian Press Camp event, participants were herded into the exile home of Indonesian First President Soekarno to look at the situation when the proclaimer was once exiled in this place.

In closing the whole series of Indonesian Press Camp writhing, participants attended a symposium on the recognition of the Toba Caldera Geopark as the world's Geopark, and finally the journalistic training on feature news writing techniques by the speaker Editor in Chief of the media Jayakarta Roso Daras. (SPRI-release)

Limapuluh Kota, ArchipelagoPost - Banyak orang yang menghindari buah ini karena rasa pahit yang ditimbulkan saat memakannya. Padahal segudang manfaat berjejer didalam buah ini.

Opss..! Kini jangan takut lagi pare yang dulu menakutkan kini  telah jadi makanan yang sangat dinikmati. Di tangan kreatif siswa-siswi kelas XII IPS 1 SMAN 1 kec. Harau buah pare kini telah mampu diolah menjadi makanan yang di gemari tanpa takut rasa pahit lagi.

Pada Expo Kewirausahaan yang di gelar di SMAN 1 Harau olahan pare ini sempat menarik perhatian para pengunjung. (20/11)

Setelah di cicipi kiranya memang tidak pahit sama sekali, rasanya kreyess di mulut cocok untuk cemilan ataupun teman makan nasi.

"Kami berharap dengan olahan ini maka pare bisa menjadi makanan favorit tanpa takut pahit lagi", ujar Ketua kelas Hafiz Mizwary, didampingi bendahara Melsy Al Irfan dan Sekretaris Putri Hendra Sari serta kawan kawan

Di dalam pare yang rendah kalori dan tinggi serat ini terdapat folat, zat yang baik bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, serta sejumlah kalium, seng, dan zat besi.

Berbagai macam penyakit, seperti gula darah tinggi dan kolesterol dapat lebih dikontrol dengan mengonsumsi pare.

Sayuran yang kerap mudah ditemui di jajanan pasar ini juga kaya akan vitamin C, mikronutrien penting yang terlibat dalam pencegahan penyakit, pembentukan tulang, dan penyembuhan luka.

Senyawa antioksidan kuat yang ada pada pare pun dapat membantu melindungi sel tubuh dari kerusakan.

Tak hanya vitamin C, pare juga dipercaya mengandung vitamin A yang baik bagi kesehatan penglihatan serta dapat memperbaiki kecantikan kulit. (Rstp)

Pulau Sibandang, ArchipelagoPost - The charming of Lake Toba tourism objects makes a group of press members who are members of the Indonesian Press Camp carry out exploration of tourism potential there.

From 14 to 16 November 2019, this place which became the location of the campsite and the main focus of attention there was in the Sibandang Tourism Village, Muara District, North Tapanuli.

Sibandang Village is one of 3 villages on the small island of Sibandang, which is in the Lake Toba area. The location is not too far, only about 45 minutes from Silangit Airport including 15 minutes from the port of Muara by boat.

Around the island of Sibandang there are small piers specifically for passengers, so that residents' activities continue to run as needed. Without having to go to a distant port.

All participants of the Indonesian press camp were very surprised and fascinated by the hospitality of the community of Sibandang island who welcomed them in full from the district apparatus as well as village and traditional leaders.

From the start, the community enthusiastically welcomed the Indonesian Press Camp troupe in a friendly manner by the charming traditional dance performance of tortor and the Hoda Hoda tortor performed by schoolgirls in distinctive traditional clothes.

The night was full of lively welcoming and full of joy and kinship, shown by the citizens of Sibandang Island, creating a mood that made it feel like returning to our own home. (Rahmat de Sitepoe)

Limapuluh Kota, ArchipelagoPost- Sekitar ratusan pelaku seni Kota Payakumbuh dan Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Seni Luak Nan Bungsu (KSLNB), berkumpul pada Kamis (7/11) malam di Resto Tifa, kawasan Tanjung Pati, Limapuluh Kota.

Berkumpulnya pelaku seni yang terdiri dari pemusik, penari, pelukis, sanggar seni dan berbagai seniman lainnya itu, bukan untuk tampil dalam menunjukkan kesenian masing-masing. Melainkan untuk menyampaikan aspirasi ke anggota DPRD Sumbar dapil Payakumbuh dan Limapuluh Kota, Darman Sahladi di kegiatan resesnya.

Dihadapan Darman Sahladi, Sekretaris KSLNB, Ridho Ilahi mengatakan, selama ini sudah banyak lahir komunitas seni di dua daerah tersebut. Tetapi komunitas seni yang didirikan itu malahan  tidak bisa bertahan lama hingga akhirnya komunitas seni tersebut tak jelas kemana rimbanya.

Kemudian, ucap mantan anggota DPRD Limapuluh Kota itu, dengan tidak adanya komunitas seni yang mampu bertahan lama sehingga pelaku seni di Luak Nan Bungsu sulit untuk berkembang. "Ini yang dialami pelaku seni selama ini,"terang Ridho Ilahi.

Beranjak dari sana, Ridho Ilahi bersama puluhan pelaku seni lainnya berinisiatif untuk membentuk kembali komunitas seni yang dikelola profesional untuk memajukan insan seni Luak Nan Bungsu.

"Kami pelaku seni ini berkumpul dan sepakat untuk membentuk komunitas seni yang dinamakan Komunitas Seni Luak Nan Bungsu,"ucap Rhido.

Menurut Ridho, KLSNB berdiri sejak 4 bulan lalu dengan 7 kali pertemuan. "Ini adalah keseriusan pelaku seni untuk memajukan kesenian di daerah. Karena itu, kami butuh tempat, butuh porsi dan perhatian dari pemerintah demi memajukan seni Luak Limopuluah,"terangnya lagi.

Sementara, anggota DPRD Sumbar, dengan hadirnya komunitas seni seperti KLSBN setidaknya kedepan bisa mengangkat seni Luak Limopuluah. Dewan Pembina KLSBN tersebut juga berharap, kehadiran komunitas seni mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap daerah serta bisa memberikan masukan terhadap kebijakan bagi pemerintah.

Kemudian, dalam mengatasi agar komunitas seni bisa selalu eksis dan bertahan, Darman Sahladi mendorong agar pemerintah bisa mengalokasikan anggaran melalui dana hibah untuk komunitas seni. 

"Komunitas seni ini jadilah mitra pemerintah. Ajaklah seluruh pelaku seni untuk bergabung. Bidang olahraga ada Koni, bidang kontraktor Gapensi dan bidang seni ada komunitas ini. Seperti ini hendaknya, sehingga apapun yang berkaitan seni di Luak Nan Bungsu harus melalui KLSBN ini,"ucap Darman Sahladi.

Dalam pertemuan dengan insan seni sekaligus reses Darman Sahladi, hadir mantan Bupati Alis  Marajo, anggota DPRD Limapuluh Kota Fraksi Gerindra serta pelaku seni lainnya. (Rel/Rstp)


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